Smartpanel Modified V4 smmpanel is the best smm script of the smm industry build on codeignitor php framework. It is available for free from our site you can use it and install it and start your own smm panel in smm world and earn lot of money online through smm panel it is the easiest and cheapest way to earn money online without any investment and this is the most efficient way for this.Cronjob for main Smartpanel script –>
Cronjobs For The Smartpanel Modified SMM PANEL SCRIPT
By Adding the cronjobs in your smm panel hosting (suggested smm panel hosting is cpanel you will be able to send order, order status. Cron task must be configured on your hosting. In cpanel, you should click Cron task and fill this command at the command filed:Cronjob for main Smartpanel script –> Choose Once per minute (* * * * *)
curl >/dev/null 2>&1
curl >/dev/null 2>&1
curl >/dev/null 2>&1
curl >/dev/null 2>&1
How To Add Category In SmartPanel SMM Script
Admin Panel is completely dynamic with lot of features, so you can easily add/update categories. So To Add Edit Or Delete Category Here Is Below Steps Please Follow Them In Order To Add Categories in your modified smartpanel smmscript.Guide Steps:
- Log into admin, Go to Category
- Click add new.
- Write Name of Category, description and Status which is active by default, choose sort number etc
- When you want to deactivate Service, just make status deactive.
- Click Save button
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